Category : uncategorized

If you are working on an HTML form and if it needs to send request to the server on the change of select box option. You can do it using a simple javascript. <form action="/someURL&quot...
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If you are looking to migrate your bitbucket repo into github, and if the original repo contains large files you will encounter the following error. GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try...
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In this short post, I am putting two configurations for PHPMyadmin one that allows you to auto login and another that helps you to login with blank password. PhpMyAdmin Blank Password Login (AllowNoP...
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Quick and Easy guide on How to Install NodeJS and NPM (Node Package Manager) on Respberry Pi (Respbian OS) Run the following command to get the specified version of Node installer. Here I am downlo...
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If you are using Laravel Dusk to test an external website and if the website is secured with basic HTTP Authentication (which is usually the case with staging and dev sites) you can use this trick....
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If you try to interact with elements on an Iframe within your Laravel Dusk you might come across ElementNotFound Exception. This is because Iframe page source different from your main page source....
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This is a detailed step by step tutorial on how to install composer on windows Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for ma...
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If you are using PhpMyAdmin for the database export for the remote database, and if your database is too huge then you may face the timeout issue. I faced the similar issue when I was looking to re...
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Laravel Redirect If Authenticated Laravel's out the box authentication system does provide customization to change the redirect path after the user log's in. You can adjust the redirectTo Path in...
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