Posts by Author : tgugnani


May 25, 2017


All modern programming languages needs to have concept of variables. Variables are there in a programming language to store data into. There are 8 data type defined in Java which are inbuilt in java c...
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If you are looking to forward non-www pages on your domain to www. Here is what you need to do. Login to CloudFlare and go to 'Page Rules' section of your domain. If the URL matches , in t...
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While automating a form selection with Selenium and Java, It's a good practice to randomize your form values. Here is how you can select random values on radio buttons. Lets suppose you have a radio b...
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Dec 20, 2016


Step 1 : Get the Foreign Key Name. SHOW CREATE TABLE tableName; Note the name of Foreign key (which is mostly auto generated) output will look something like CONSTRAINT `FK4C5B93445F11A0B7` F...
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Aug 24, 2016


Once you have installed XAMPP, You have your system ready necessary development programs like PHP, MySQL etc. But you cannot yet run those commands from you command line, Because your terminal does no...
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Apr 16, 2016


Apache Tomcat is used to deploy your Java Servlets and JSPs. So in your Java project you can build your WAR (short for Web ARchive) file, and just drop it in the deploy directory in Tomcat. So basi...
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This post shows the steps to configure Auto Suggest Feature on the Solr Search in Broadleaf Commerce Framework. If your Solr Configuration is embedded in the broadleaf framework instead of being an...
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Starting the solr server. You can cd to /path/to/solr-5.0.0/bin and execute the following command: ./solr -p 8983 -s /path/to/solr/home path/to/solr/home is the path where you store your ind...
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BroadLeaf DemoSite comes with a embedded Solr, which is basically to have the ease of demonstration. But Ideally you should be using a separate Solr Instance with your web application for obvious perf...
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Mar 11, 2016


mysql -h host.address.for.rds.server -u rdsusername -p rdsdatabase < backupfile.sql host.address.for.rds.server = this will be what is referred to as the "end point" in your RDS descripti...
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