Posts by Author : tgugnani

The reason this occurs is because bash actually expands the asterisk to every matching file, producing a very long command line. Solution find Path/to/source-folder/ -name '*.*' -exec mv {} Path/...
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Install AWS Command line Tool if you haven't already pip install awscli To have this command running, you must have Python installed in your system. Command to bulk upload a folder into a S3...
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This post give details on how you can host the opensource ecommerce framework Broadleaf Commerce on Amazon cloud hosting. Broadleaf is based on Spring and Hibernate. Following are the steps to depl...
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Dec 17, 2015


This post shows how you can configure Tomcat for JDBC Connection to MySQl through JNDI connection pooling. This post assumes that you have already created a site on Amazon Beanstalk and you have an...
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Dec 16, 2015


This post shows how to add a Amazon RDS MySQL instance to your Beanstalk Application. Adding new RDS Instance Login to your Amazon AWS console and navigate to Beanstalk Dashboard Select th...
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Dec 16, 2015


This post goes through the steps of creating a new Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Tomcat instance and once it is created we will SSH into it via Terminal. Step 1: Creating New Beanstalk Application...
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Jul 29, 2015


Open the RDS web console. Open the “Parameter Groups” tab. Create a new Parameter Group. On the dialog, select the MySQL family compatible to your MySQL database version, give it a name and conf...
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Jul 16, 2015


You need to run these commands as root to show other users' processes, for example: sudo lsof -i ':80' If you want to close any particular process you can kill the process by executing below comma...
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In this tutorial we will setup a simple Hello World Web Application Based on Spring 4. The configuration will be done in Java. As you know with Spring 3 or earlier the only option of doing the configu...
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This post will show you how to consume a RestFul API in Spring through RestTemplate We will be consuming data from the Google Books API, This URL returns of Books for ISBN 9380658745. The result th...
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